Pizza has always been a big part of my life, especially when it comes to some of the local legends like Rosati’s or Giordano’s. These independent pizzerias around here are incredible, and I’ve always had a special connection to their unique flavors and quality. But lately, I’ve had to shift my approach to pizza in a big way.
I used to look forward to Fridays. After a long week of work, it was tradition—pizza delivery day. It was practically a staple in my house. I’d order a good-sized pie, kick back, and enjoy the weekend. But now, if I want a pizza delivered from one of my favorites, it’s about $50. That’s no longer in the budget. It’s impossible. What used to be a weekly treat has now become a luxury I just can’t afford.
That doesn’t mean I’ve given up on pizza, though. These days, it’s all about balancing convenience, quality, and most of all, budget. I don’t knock any of these options—they all have their place. Some are definitely better than others when it comes down to it, but at the end of the day, it’s all budget-dependent. For example, I’ve realized that you can get a Domino’s pizza with a couple of toppings for about the same price as a DiGiorno from the freezer at your local grocery store. When I’m going frozen, I usually grab whatever’s on a good sale, though I’m a little picky. There are a few I just won’t buy. Some, like Jack’s or Tombstone, seem more suited for kids than anyone looking for a really good pizza experience.
But the real game-changer for me has been making pizza at home. Honestly, the little pies I whip up in my own kitchen are perfect—better than what I’d get from a pizzeria. Of course, homemade pizza takes time and attention, but when you put in the effort, the results are absolutely worth it. You get to use fresh ingredients and control every part of the process, and the satisfaction from that is unmatched.
While I still miss the ease of picking up the phone and having a hot pizza delivered to my door, I’ve found a new kind of joy in making it myself. And though Rosati’s or Giordano’s will always have a special place in my heart (and taste buds), homemade pizza has become the new Friday tradition—one that’s not only delicious but also fits perfectly into my budget and lifestyle.